“Listen to the mustn'ts, child. Listen to the don'ts. Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me... Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.” - Shel Silverstein

Monday, December 7, 2009

Munchkin Mania - Passing Along The Gift

I decided that one of the best things I could do for my kids, especially in this ecomony and with uncertain times ahead, was to pass along to them the gift my mother passed to me, that her grandmother passed to her etc.. It's the one thing, upon reflection, that I got from my mother that really makes me proud. The ability to create. Not just create, but invent and provide.

I've already been hard at work teaching the kids how to cook. I'm never alone in the kitchen. I can tell Adam or Joel to bake (add any baked good) and they will get the recipe and after the designated time passes produce a decent, and sometimes a terrific, item fit to be eaten.

I've shown Gabbie how to quilt. She cut her own squares (at least we'll call them squares), sewed them all together on the machine and is now trying to hand quilt her mini masterpiece. She can do a backstitch for hand emroidered letters too.

So naturally as I am falling  in love with yarn I'm teaching the kids the tricks of the trade. I sat them down and cast on 32 stitches in 3 different colors on 3 different sets of needles and showed them the knit stitch. Gab has some experience with it already (she can also crochet a chain and a circle) so I figured I needed to catch the boys up. Yarn isn't just for girls after all! Looking at the pictures I realize I probably should have given Adam the size 6 needles and Joel the larger size 8s but I wasn't thinking about his vision I was thinking about their fine motor abilities! LOL Anywho everyone is 3 rows into a scarf in garter stitch and so far so good! They still like it and didn't drive me too batty.... Here's the pics for your enjoyment!

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